Yuemiao Fang’s specialties:
- Pain Control (Sciatica, Neck, shoulder pain, Backache, Muscles cramping)
- Headache, Migraine, Neuralgia
- Insomnia, Stress, Depression
- Digestive disorder, Immune diseases
- Allergy, Asthma, Common cold, Sinusitis
- Stroke residuals, Heart diseases, Chronic and complex conditions
- Menstrual disorders
Yuemiao Fang (方月淼) is our licensed acupuncturist. He received eight years of stringent academic training from Zhejiang Chinese Medicine University and Shanghai University of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology. He was also clinically guided by some of the best TCM masters in China. During his 20+ years of practice of acupuncture and Chinese medicine, Fang LAc. has treated more than 10 thousand patients in a variety of conditions, which created increased experience and insight when treating difficult diseases. For that, he has become an expert in chronic pain, stroke and sequelae of strokes, as well as other uncommon diseases. Patients with such conditions are often referred to him by his peers.
Fang is adept in treating patients taking conventional western medicines. Not only has he had official academic training but also extensive clinical experience in integrating western medicine with acupuncture and herbs. More proudly, he has numerous successful healing cases.
Fang received many prestigious honors and awards for his excellence, distinguished contributions and empathetic, caring manner. He is dedicated to helping people to regain health and happiness. His loving heart together with his ever-perfecting skills provides a relaxed, comfortable results-oriented visit, which in return earned him countless commendations from his patients.
Fang is a well-respected teaching and clinical professor in the San Francisco Bay Area TCM community. He is currently a professor and clinical Supervisor at University of East-West Medicine and Five Branches University. He has been serving the area since 1998 as a dedicated professor in acupuncture and student supervisor and has helped thousands of TCM graduates to achieve their goals and serve our society.